Selling a business

I help business owners realise the True value of their business

Selling your business is one thing. Selling it for the best price, on your terms, that is the goal. It’s about maximising its value to set you up for the next phase of your life.

Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder
Get A Proven Plan
Increase Business Value
Enjoy More Freedom

When it Comes to Selling their Business, most Business Owners Don’t Have a Plan They Can Feel Confident In

As a business owner, when the time comes to consider selling you are expected to know what to do. Even if you have never sold a business before.

Without the knowledge and information you need to create a sellable business, you could seriously impact your future plans and your quality of life in your retirement.

Client meeting
Mistakes to avoid

These are the top seven mistakes business owners need to avoid when selling their business.

  1. Selling at the wrong time
  2. Insufficient preparation
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  1. Unrealistic expectations/Overconfidence - expecting a flood of buyers to pay top dollar
  2. Waiting until you must sell
  3. Over-pricing the Business
  4. Neglecting and misrepresenting financial records.
  5. Not using professional services like a Business Broker.

These mistakes can lead to the business either not selling (according to Forbes magazine up to 7 out of 10 businesses listed for sale will not sell) or selling for a lot less than it could have if the sale had been planned.

A successful sale can really enhance your financial future. And done wrong, it can be a major setback for future plans.

Q. When is the best time to begin preparing your business for sale?

A. The day you buy or start the business.

Q. When is the next best time to begin preparing your business for sale?

A. Today.

The Value Builder System has helped thousands of business owners prepare their business for sale.

We give you a proven plan you can follow to make your business appealing to buyers as well as supporting you with on-demand coaching delivered by me, your trained certified advisor.

We seek to be the trusted partner you can count on when it comes to preparing your business to sell. That’s why our 12 modules are easy to implement, proven to work, and only focus on the parts of your business that you need to focus on.

When you join The Value Builder System, you’ll dive right into working on the components of your business that have been identified as needing attention. You’ll quickly learn which components are working well and which are holding your business back.

From there, you’ll have a tailored plan to help you learn and implement the frameworks that will take your business to the next level. Imagine how good it will feel to be confident in your plan for preparing your business for sale so that it appeals to a wide range of buyers keen to bid more to buy your business.

No more guessing. No more overwhelm. Just a whole lot of confidence in your plan to create a more valuable and sellable business.

My Approach to Selling a Business

Take Positive Action to Create Your Better Future.

Build To Sell

"The Value Builder System made my business more sellable by highlighting the key areas buyers focus on when assessing a business and then helping me improve those areas."

Anna Moroni

Owner, Laneway Café

Cafe owner

Are You Emotionally Ready To Sell Your Business?

We have developed an online questionnaire to evaluate a business owner’s readiness to exit their company on a personal level. It is called a PREScore™….or Personal Readiness to Exit Score); and it uses an exclusive algorithm to identify an owner’s status on 4 drivers of a satisfying exit.

It determines the at-risk areas and provides personalised recommendations for improvement; helping owners create a personal plan that ensures a happy and lucrative exit.

Ready To Assess Your Readiness To Sell?

Complete this 8-minute online questionnaire to see where you stand

FAQs: Selling Your Business

How Will You Find Buyers For My Business?

Like most business brokers, I’ll promote your business through the usual business sales websites. But because your business can get lost amongst all the other listings, I go the extra mile and harness proven digital marketing and advertising techniques to maximise the number of potential buyers. This includes direct mail outs to a massive database of strategic partners aligned with prospective buyers and setting up a social media and Google Ads campaign to get you onto the first page of Google, all supported by a dedicated landing page for your business.

What About All The Paperwork?

As a full-service broker, I’ll guide you every step of the way. This includes handling the often-complex formalities, right down to presenting prospective buyers with a non-specific business precis that weeds out the tyre kickers. Then, for qualified buyers, I ensure they sign a confidentiality disclosure agreement before they see any sensitive information or financials.

How Long Will The Sale Take?

It depends on a number of factors, but it’s worth remembering that many businesses will not sell due to their structure, level of profit and buyer demand. 

Selling a business is complex, especially when compared to selling a property.

For a solid business, I would have a minimum of a 12 month timeframe in mind to allow time to attract the best buyers.

If you’re ready to sell your business now, as a business broker, I can help you navigate the minefield and work with you to expedite the sale process.

Initially, your best course of action is to complete the Value Builder Questionnaire. This will give your business a Sellability Score, which is basically an indication of how sellable your business is right now. Depending on your score, we can discuss your best plan of action from there.

Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact Alan with your questions.