I’m Alan, Your Expert Business Coach in Perth

I’ll help you towards achieving your financial and life goals by offering you my expertise in acquiring, building, and selling businesses.

Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder
Get A Proven Plan
Increase Business Value
Enjoy More Freedom
Business coaching

What Do My Clients and Associates Say About Me?

They say I’m entrepreneurial yet pragmatic, tenacious yet conscientious (often to a fault), a strategic thinker yet with a very hands-on approach.

If that’s true – and I believe it is – it’s because I love business. Everything about it. But most of all, it’s because I have strong empathy with business owners, because I have been there.

I know what it’s like to work long hours in a business, struggling to find time to take a break from the business, the frustration that goes with finding good workers, chasing debtors for payment, managing cashflow and all the many challenges business owners face every day.

I’ve been in your shoes, and that’s a big part of why I do what I do now. I help business owners, like you, work on their business, not in it. I put in place mechanisms to create value in the business so that, when you decide to sell it, you get the price your hard work deserves and you can realise your life goals and, ultimately, your retirement dreams.

Build To Sell

Thank you sincerely for your patience and professional service, I would recommend your service first off the ranks should such be required or requested in the future.

David Myers – Operations Manager

Great Southern Packaging

Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder

Highly Experienced

With 25+ years as a manager, business leader, mentor and broker, my experience spans many industry sectors.

From the Terrace to the Outback, I have owned, managed, advised on and sold a diverse range of businesses in many industries including manufacturing, agriculture, mining, hospitality, tourism, e-business, retail and professional services businesses.

As a result, I understand the challenges of building and selling a business. I’ve been there, not only as a business broker but as a business owner and leader.

Well Qualified

  • Bachelor of Business Degree
  • Certified Value Builder™ Advisor
  • Licensed Business Broker and Real Estate Sales Representative
  • Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB Member)
Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder
Alan Dinnie, Certified Value Builder

Motivated and Capable

You can’t just enter the broking business to make a quick buck. To succeed, you need to be resilient, professional, and respected.

What I believe gives me the edge over others in the industry is that I want to give business owners the best opportunity to realise both their business and life goals.

That means working with business owners to get them the best possible price for their business.

And that’s why, after years of dedicated research assessing all the options, I added the Value Builder System™ to my toolkit.

If a business is not able to sell now for the price an owner wants, I can work with them to implement a proven methodology to obtain a higher sale value in the future.